Pat Tenore
Pat Tenore aka PM Tenore is as some of you know, the co-founder and president of RVCA the internationally successful surf and skate label. It seems that Mr. Tenore is the lucky guy dating Lyndie Irons, the beautiful widow of the amazing surfer Andy Irons, father of her adorable son Axel.
After Andy’s tragic death in 2010, Lyndie has dedicated her body and soul to her son Axel, born a month after Andy’s death.
Lyndie, is a beautiful, young and kind woman, who finally decided to open her heart to love again.
We think some of you might be familiar with Pat Tenore; however, for those of you who don’t know this cool dude, let me tell you 5 interesting facts about him.
- Patrick Michael Tenore was born on May 12, 1973; he is the son of Patrick Tenore, Sr. and Anne Tenore.
- Pat Tenore was 19, on May 28, 1993; when he and his now ex-wife Jody DiCesare became parents of their first son, Joseph.
- They had two more children; Ethan and Marley. Pat filed for divorce in February 2016, after 18 years of marriage.
- Mr. Tenore and Hawaiian surfer Conan Hayes founded RVCA in 2001.
- Billabong bought RVCA, in July 2010.
The post Lyndie Irons’ New Boyfriend Pat Tenore appeared first on - The Hottest Wives and Girlfriends in Sports.
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